2024/2025 AWANA Year Information

The 2024/2025 Bethel AWANA year starts September 8th.
Registration is Open

 Please fill out this form for each child ages 2 through 6th Grade that will be participating. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 336-227-3818 or Chrissi Crowder at bethelsplashkids@gmail.com
 We look forward to another exciting year as your child grows in his/her knowledge of God's Word. Here is the cost for this year.

Puggles(2yrs old):  $40 -Shirt, backpack, lesson cards
                             and yearly dues

Cubbies(3-5 yrs old):  1st year - $45 -Vest, Book, bag and
                                 yearly dues
                                 2nd year $23 - Book and yearly dues

Sparks(K5-2 grade):   1st year $45- Vest, Book, bag and
                                 yearly dues
                                 2/3year  $23 - Book and yearly dues

T&T:(3rd-6th grade)    1st year $55 - Book, Shirt, bag and dues
                                 2/3year $25 - Book and yearly dues

Click below after submitting form to finish registration and submit payment
If paying for more than child, you can complete all registration forms 1st and then pay for everyone at one time. 
Nightly AWANA Schedule
4:15 PM  -  Check In
4:20 PM - Opening Ceremonies
4:30 PM - Block 1
                        Puggles/Cubbies - Game Time
                        Sparks - Book Time
                        T&T - Book Time
5:00 PM - Block 2
                        Puggles/Cubbies - Lesson/Book/Craft Time
                        Sparks - Lesson Time
                        T&T - Game Time
5:30 PM - Block 3
                        Puggles/Cubbies - Lesson/Book/Craft Time
                        Sparks - Game Time
                        T&T - Lesson Time
6:00 PM - Dismissal


What is AWANA?
The AWANA programs stem from 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." KJV

The goal behind AWANA at Bethel is to encourage children to hide the Word of God in their heart, thus laying a foundation for effect service to our Heavenly Father. (Ps. 119:11, Joshua 1:8, 2 Tim. 3:16, Deut. 11:18, Ps. 1:1-3). All of these passages speak of the importance of studying and memorizing the all-powerful Word of God.

We strive to create an environment where the kids not only memorize Scripture like a verse factory, but also fully understand what that verse means.
Materials Needed
All Children will need a Bible, handbook, and uniform. The handbook and uniform will be purchased using your AWANA dues paid at registration. The amounts can be found by downloading the registration form at the top of this page.

We also have a scholarship fund for families who cannot afford AWANA. If you would like to donate to this, please make checks payable to Bethel Baptist Church. We thank you in advance for your generosity.
AWANA Expectations
AWANA starts promptly at 4:15pm and ends at 6:00pm. Please make every effort in dropping off and picking up your child at the scheduled time. We use a computerized Check-In system. Children will only be allowed to go with parents and/or guardians who have the matching check out sticker received at the time of check in. If someone different plans to pick up, please make arrangements at the Welcome Center before leaving your children. (All check-in and check-out take place on the children’s hall.)

In order to receive full benefit from AWANA, the children must work on their verse memorization (and for Sparks and TnT, take home assignments) at home. Please set aside a little time each week to help and encourage your child in this area.

No excess talking during verse/book time. Children should be studying and reciting the sections they have worked on.

Game time is for fun! The only thing we ask is that children listen and follow instructions promptly for their safety and to avoid wasting their time for fun and fellowship. Please remember to wear close-toed athletic shoes for game time. Flip flops and bare feet are highly not recommended.

Any disciplinary needs will be handled in a loving manner, with clear communication and insight from the parent or guardian of the child.