
"We love Him, because He first loved us."

1 John 4:19

Ages 2 - 5yrs old is one of the most transforming and important parts of a child's life. It is during these years that they are introduced to what God's love truly is and why it is that we love Him and love others. At Bethel we teach our preschoolers what God's love looks like by teaching them the Big Picture Story of the Bible. God created the World in 7 days so that we could love and glorify Him and then sent His Son to die on a cross to reiterate His love for us and to restore our relationship with Him. We believe this foundational truth is what a child's entire life is built upon.
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Weekly Services

Sunday School 9:15am - 10:20am
Sunday Morning 10:30am-11:30am
Sunday Evening 4:45pm-6:00pm

Each Sunday Morning our Preschoolers gather in one of two age specific groups to look at basic Biblical truths like God love me & God made me. This time is full of attention grabbing lessons and carefully planned teaching activities that grab the attention of each kid while reinforcing the big picture idea of the week. 

Wednesday Night 7:00pm-8:00pm

On Wednesday evenings, our Preschoolers gather for a fun review of Sunday Mornings big picture idea. This is accomplished through more teaching activities and a trip to Ollies Clubhouse.


And don't forget AWANA on Sunday Afternoons from 4:15-6 PM.

Contact Us

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